Statuses of the records.

We provide accurate, up-to-date record status updates through a unique and innovative process.

Entities Trademarks Classifications Numbers Dates Images Cross-fields

Statuses of the records.
Data curation details.

We build, map, and update record statuses differently. First, our professionals analyze the laws, rules, and procedures. They identify the most important status changes and relate them to our standardized values for all datasets with the help of local contributors. Then we apply unique technologies to obtain, map, and deliver the latest status updates.

  ✓  Standardize local status values to Unumbio's global ones.
  ✓  Standardized local values to your ones.
  ✓  Update status values using the newest info from multiple sources.
  ✓  Conduct sophisticated, hierarchy-based event analysis to determine record status.
  ✓  Detect and update unpublished changes.
  ✓  Provide context to better understand the record's current situation.
  ✓  Group statutes by local procedure or system needs.

Various language status values, same meaning:

Input:Our output:
Official status:
- Variation 1 (Spanish): Abandonada
- Variation 2 (Albanian): E Braktisur
- Variation 3 (Codified): CODE 189
- Variation 4 (English): Final abandonment
Status: Registration [TST_REG]
Substatus: Abandoned [TSS_ABA]

When trustable status is missing, additional fields are analyzed:

Input:Our output:
Official status: Not available.
Event 1: 01/01/2019 - Under examination
Event 2: 02/02/2019 - Registration
Status: Registration [TST_REG]
Substatus: Registered [TSS_REG]
Official status: Registered
Event 1: 04/05/2008 - Registration
Event 2: 04/05/2018 - Grace period ended
Event 3: 02/02/2019 - Expiration
Status: Registration [TST_REG]
Substatus: Expired [TSS_EXP]
Official status: Not available.
Event(s): Not available.
Registration date: 10/12/1999
Expiration date: 10/12/2009
Status: Registration [TST_REG]
Substatus: Unumbio calculated, expired [TSS_UEX]

Provide the status that better describes the record's current state instead of showing the last available one:

Input:Our output:
Official status: Registered
Event 1: 11/06/2007 - Registration
Event 2: 11/06/2018 - Renewal
Event 3: 11/08/2019 - Fee paid
Status: Registration [TST_REG]
Substatus: Renewed [TSS_REN]

Context to understand the record's status by carefully examining local procedures.

Input:Our output:
Official status: Registered
Event(s): Not available.
Registration date: 10/12/1999
Status: Registration [TST_REG]
Inferred substatus: Unumbio calculated, inactive (after scanning for changes in the last 36 months) [TSS_UIN]

You can obtain the statuses mapped to a wide range of standardized values (+150) or a shortlist where each non-relevant value is mapped to the latest relevant one:

Input:Our output:
Filed Filed application [TSS_APP]
Opposition period Opposition period [TSS_AOP]
Opposition notified Opposition received [TSS_AOR]
Filing issue Filing issues [TSS_ANF]
Cancellation approved Canceled [TSS_CAN]
Renewal Renewed [TSS_REN]

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