Industry-leading support back our datasets.
Every dataset gets fast, effective answers and solutions, supported by data analysts, in-house IP specialists and local contributors.
Two plans according to your needs.
Premium: | Elite: | |
Technical support on business days. | ✓ | ✓ |
Content support on business days. | ✓ | ✓ |
Receive improvements we introduce to the datasets. | ✓ | ✓ |
Priority support for critical issues on non-business days. | ✓ | |
Unlimited redelivery of records. | ✓ | |
Consultations with local contributors and PTOs regarding your client's inquiries. | Up to 3 per month. | |
Request improvements and changes to the datasets. | ✓ | |
Request changes in the way the datasets are delivered and handled. | ✓ |
We will make all reasonable efforts to respond to your request within the specified timeframes. Business hours are generally defined as 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST, excluding holidays and weekends in Chile/Argentina. The changes that can be requested on the datasets must be within the scope agreed upon in the SLA.